University of Virginia
Foreign Affairs GPA: 3.87
Overall GPA: 3.52
University of Virginia
Foreign Affairs GPA: 3.87
Overall GPA: 3.52
University of Amsterdam
Department of Statistics and Data Science
NORC at the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Department of Economics, Justice, and Society
Department of Public Affairs
NORC at the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Department of International Relations
Unversity of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
Industry and Academic Knowledge
Statistics (e.g. Hypothesis Testing, Frequentist Statistics, Bayesian Inference), Methodology (e.g. Geospatial Analysis, Cluster Analysis, Forecasting, Causal Inference), Linear Modeling (e.g. Generalized Linear Models and OLS, Logistic and Probability Regression, Regression Discontinuity Design), Multi-level Modeling (e.g. Random Effects, Fixed Effects, and Mixed Effects models, Cross-classified Hierarchical Models), Survey Analysis (e.g. Sampling, Matching, Sample-Weighted Estimation), Machine Learning (e.g. Decision Trees, KNN, Naive Bayes, Random Forests), Natural Language Processing (e.g. Tokenization and Feature Selection, Topic Modeling, Support-Vector Machines), Theory (e.g. Political Theory, Theories of International Relations, Game Theory, Theories of Public Opinion and Voting Behavior)
Tools and Software
R Programming: Data Cleaning and Manipulation, Data Mining, Functional Programming, Developing R Packages, R Shiny, R Markdown, Data Visualization, Leaflet
Front-end development: D3.js, React.js, Svelte, CSS, semantic HTML, Figma
Other Statistical Software: Stata, SAS, SPSS
Other Programming Languages: Julia, SQL, Python, AWS CLI, git
Workflow and Other Tools: JIRA, Github, Travis-CI, Apache Spark, DCOM, Qualtrics, Tableau
Using R in an Express.js backend for React and Svelte apps
Invited Talk: Chicago R Users Group (Files)
July 2021
Visualising Uncertainty in R: hurricanes, spaghetti, and hypothetical outcome plots
Invited Talk: satRday Chicago (slides)
April 2019
{ctar}: Querying Transit Data in R
Invited Talk: Chicago R Users Group (Files)
October 2019
R and Web APIs
Invited Talk: NORC R Work and Discussion Group (Files)
November 2019
ctar: R package for interfacing with the Chicago Transit Authority API.
shinykeyboard: R package to include a custom shiny input-bound on-screeen keyboard in an R Shiny application.
apelex: R package to interface with the Associated Press' election API.
footrulr: R package to compute sentence comparisons using metrics frequently employed in Machine Translation and Text Summarisation evaluation.
What's My Social Media Age?: An NORC-built web application that predicts a user's age based on their social media use, as compared to that of probability-sampled survey data.
NORC at the University of Chicago
Awarded to employees for exceptional contribution to the organization for the given year.
NORC at the University of Chicago
Internal grant awarded to produce an R shiny application to generate production-quality banner tablatures of sample weighted survey data with various statistical tests for use across the company. Example output of this app used in production is available here.
NORC at the University of Chicago
Internal grant awarded to produce an R package to automate the production of topline findings documents for dissemination of findings of panel data. Example output of this package used in production is available here.
NORC at the University of Chicago
Recognition award given to members of the AP VoteCast team for the development of new methodologies in estimation and sampling to serve as an alternative to the national exit poll for the Associated Press, Fox News, Wall Street Journal, and various other news organization.
University of Virginia
Award conferred to students with a 3.6 GPA per semester while taking a full 15 credit hours or more.
Julia Academy
Blavatnik School of Government at University of Oxford
Organized by John Poe at ICPSR
Chicago Chapter of the American Statistical Association
Chicago Chapter of the American Statistical Association